Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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A special note for BC++ 2.0 users.
I encountered some difficulties using this PrintBGI package in huge
memory model with BC++ 2.0. The program behaved very strangely in some
rare but unpredictable situations. After few days of debugging sessions I
narrowed the problem but couldn't eliminate it. So what happens?
The problem is strongly related to coprocessor emulation.
Since I don't have sources of Borland's coprocessor emulation
routines all what I'm writing here is only my speculation
and may be not necessarily the truth.
The coprocessor emulation routines use some space for saving their
variables and to emulate the stack of coprocessor. Since in huge memory
model all user or library functions use DS register for their own purposes
the emulator must either save it, use as it wants and restore or set ES
register and use it to access it's working space. Isn't this right? It isn't.
It uses the third method. Addresses it's working space using SS register.
Simply it uses the bottom of the stack. The start of the stack has even
an external label called _emu. I will refer to emulation working space as
a _emu variable.
Now let's look at the Turbo debugger CPU window. After we execute
Go to e086_Entry command we may see something like that
xxxx:xxxx e086_Entry: sti
push AX
.... some other push statements
mov BP,SP
mov SS:[032h],BP
.... other code
Let's look at the statement mov SS:[032h],BP. In this statement emulator
saves BP register in it's working space. But not in the code of my BGIDEMO
generated for huge model by BC++ 2.0. In that case instead of mov
you may see mov SS:[1EC2h],BP.
Why it happens?
It seems that linker resolves all references to _emu variable assuming
it is in the data segment not in the stack segment. Maybe it finds somewhere
a GROUP directive grouping Start up data segment and the stack together?
So I get wrong results from linking process and have no idea how can I
correct it. It is not simply a bug in BC++ 2.0 since all small testing
programs I wrote were linked correct.
Note also that there is only one version of emulation library used for
all memory model. It links O.K. in large model (independently of compiler
version) with my program. It also links O.K. in BC++ 3.0. The only one wrong
case is huge model, BC++ 2.0 (I have no idea about earlier compilers), and
my program. I even compiled it entirely in huge memory model and the results
were the same. I suppose the problem is related with GROUP concepts.
But I don't use GROUP directive explicitly in any of my modules.
So I assume it is in one of standard LIB files but I'm not sure about it.
I'm not so experienced with PC's to know what to do. If you have any ideas
which may help let me know of them.